Mr. Capistrano is a licensed mining engineer and a member of the firm’s Mining & Natural Resources Department and Energy practice group.
Prior to joining the firm, he worked in the mining industry as a compliance officer, specializing in environmental and tenement compliance. He supervised day-to-day mining operations, including drilling and blasting, loading and hauling, and environmental monitoring. He also worked as a legislative researcher in the House of Representatives.
Mr. Capistrano earned his Juris Doctor degree from the University of the Philippines College of Law in 2024. While in law school, he was an active member of the UP Paralegal Volunteers Organization (UP PVO), serving as a student-paralegal and assisting volunteer lawyers in delivering free legal services. He also interned at the UP Office of Legal Aid.
He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Mining Engineering from the University of the Philippines in 2016 and passed the Mining Engineering Board Examination in August of the same year. During his time in college, he was an active member of the UP Mining Engineering Society (UP MINERS). He is currently a member of the Philippine Society of Mining Engineers (PSEM) and the UP Engineering R&D Foundation, Inc. (UP ERDFI).
Mr. Capistrano passed the 2024 Bar Examinations and was admitted to the Philippine Bar in 2025.