ICC Institute Training on International Contracts
[push h=”5″] [/column_1] [column_1 width=”1/1″ last=”true” title=”” title_type=”single” animation=”none” implicit=”true”]20-23 April 2015, Paris
A team of the firm’s lawyers underwent the week-long Training on International Contracts organized by the ICC that focused on negotiating and drafting a contract, managing the “post-contract” and dealing with different kinds of conflict resolution.
Among the topics discussed were strategies and techniques of negotiation; essential and accessory clauses; ICC Model Clauses; the grounds of failure and renegotiation strategies; the ICC ADR, Expertise and Dispute Boards Rules; the importance of cultural and legal differences – civil law vs. common law approach; and, practicing international contracts in various regions of the world.
The training was conducted by the experts in the field, including from the ICC Institute of World Business Law, the ICC Commission on Commercial Law and Practice, the ICC Institute of World Business Law, the ICC International Centre for ADR, the ICC International Court of Arbitration as well as experts from Brazil, Russia and Belgium.
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